Polymeric Materials:

Tailored Structure, Properties, and Function

The objective of our research group is to develop polymeric materials with enhanced physical properties and function. We specialize in polymer synthetic techniques, structural characterization (small-angle neutron, x-ray and light scattering), thermodynamics and self-assembly, and development of structure-property relationships. 

Research projects are focused on the following areas:

Sustainable and biodegradable polymers derived from renewable resources

Advanced materials for wind energy

Structure and dynamics of block copolymer micelles

pH-responsive, antifouling polymer brushes

Multicomponent and multiphase polymer blends

Recent Publications

Herrera Monegro, R.; Krishnamoorti, R.; Robertson, M.L. Functionalization and repurposing of Polypropylene to a Thermoset Polyurethane   2024,

Ding, W.; Hanson, J.; Shi, Y.; Yao, Y.; Robertson, M.L. Enhancing Mechanical Properties of Sustainable Thermoplastic Elastomers through Incorporating Ionic Interactions"  Macromolecules  2024, ASAP

Herrera Monegro, R; Gonzalez, K; Graham S; Guerrero, M; Robertson, M.L.; Henderson, J. Learning from Tomorrow's Recyclers: Extension of Hands-on Recycled Waste Ativity   Journal of Chemical Education  2024, 101, 7, 2899-2902

Ammar, A.; Smith, J.; Aslan, U.; Balan, V.; Robertson, M. L.; Karim, A.Pressure Indicator Composite Films via Compressive Deformation of a Translucent Matrix Containing a Contrasting Filler.  ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces  2024, 16, 15, 19432–19441

Herrera Monegro, R.; Graham, S.; Steele, J.; Robertson, M. L.; Henderson, J. Hands-on Activity Illustrating the Sorting Process of Recycled Waste and Its Role in Promoting Sustainable Solutions.  Journal of Chemical Education  2024   

Ayser, M.; Tonny, W.; Sanchez Hernandez, I.; Kuriakose, R.; Smith, J. D.; Wallaert, S. J.; Karim, A.; Robertson, M. L.; Balan, V. Fractionating Chitin-Glucan Complex and Coproducts from Pleurotus Ostreatus Mushrooms."  Waste and Biomass Valorization 2023  

Click here for a full publication list.

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