News Archive
Welcome to Emmanuel Nwatu and Pelluce Kabarokole
Congrats to Avi Sethi for being chosen as an UH Energy Scholar
Congrats to Ronard Herrera for selection to give an Oral talk in the Excellence in Graduate Polymer Research Symposium" at the Spring 2025 ACS meeting in San Diego
Congrats to Josiah for receiving the 1st Place Poster Award at the Organization of Chemical Engineering Graduate Students Research Symposium (Oct. 2024)
Congrats to group alumni Fahimeh Khakzad and Tzu-Han Li, current group member Ronard Herrera, and our collaborators in Dr. Jaci Conrad's lab for receiving the South Texas Section - AIChE 2023 Best Applied Paper Award for their paper, "Fouling Resistance and Release Properties of Poly(sulfobetaine) Brushes with Varying Alkyl Chain Spacer Lengths and Molecular Weights"
Welcome to Khadar Basha
Welcome to Gaurav Singh
Welcome to Jinnie Hoang, Maria Mountziaris, and Ioannis Mountziaris
Welcome to Kira Gonzales, Pascual Ortiz and Ibad Siddiqui
Welcome to Ayub Basiru and Somtochukwu S. Okonkwo to the Robertson Group
Congrats to Diana for receiving the Third Place Poster Prize Award at the Sustainable Polymers Workshop
Welcome to Thomas Duong and Gregory Nwachukwu
Congrats to Josiah for receiving an "Honorable Mention" in the 2023 SPE International Polyolefins Conference Poster Contest!
Congrats to Rohana for receiving the Provost's Undergraduate Research Scholarship for Spring 2023
Welcome to Elvis Enebeli, Md Sifat Tanveer and Rohana Kuriakose
Congrats to Josiah for acceptance in the "Excellence in Graduate Polymer Research" symposium at the Spring 2023 ACS Meeting!
Congrats to Dr. Robertson for being named as one of 45 Fellows of the 2022 class of ACS Fellows. Follow this link for more info!
Congrats to Neha for receiving the Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship for summer 2022
Farewell to our postdoctoral research asociate Dr. Yanchun Tang and undegraduate Arafat Oladipo. Best of lucks!
Congrats to Rosalie Berg for receiving a poster award at the 26th Annual Green Chemistry and Engineering conference in Washington D.C.
Welcome to Neha and Seung Hong to the group
Welcome to Justin Smith to the group
Welcome to Diana Cousins and Andrew Padilla to the group.
Congrats to Rosalie Berg for receiving best poster presentation in the OChEGS Symposium.
Welcome to Ibrahim Kamara to the group.
Congrats to Rosalie Berg in our group for receiving the ACS POLY Outstanding Poster Award.
Congrats to Minjie Shen for his Acceptance to the Excellence in Graduate Polymer Research Symposium, American Chemical Society Meeting
Congrats to Minjie on the acceptance of his paper in Polymer Chemistry, "Degradability, Thermal Stability, and High Thermal Properties in Spiro Polycycloacetals Partially Derived from Lignin", with our alumni Srikanth Vijjamarri, Hongda Cao, and Karla Solis, as co-authors!
Congrats to both Tzu-Han Li and Minjie Shen for passing their dissertation defenses.
Congrats to Minjie for receiving the 2020 "Best Dissertation Award" from the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Congrats to Josiah for receiving best poster on the Organization of Chemical Engineering Graduate Students Research Symposium
Welcome to Stephanie and Srikanth to the group.
Congrats to Arafat for receiving the UH Summer Undergraduate Research Scholarship
Congrats to Chen for receiving the Advances in Polyolefins Conference Poster Award!
Congrats to Karla for receiving the UH Provost’s Undergraduate Research Scholarship!
Congrats to Minjie for receiving the Texas Soft Matter Meeting poster award (2019)!
Congrats to Wenyue for receiving the inaugural University of Houston Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Dissertation Award (2019).
Congrats to Wenyue for inclusion in the 2019 ACS Excellence in Graduate Polymer Research symposium.
Congrats to Luisa for receiving the UH PURS research scholarship.
Welcome to Rosalie and Josiah to the group!
Congrats to Cristian for receiving the Best Poster Award at the 2018 REEMS REU Poster Session!
Congrats to Vivek for acceptance of his paper in Polymer Chemistry!
Dr. Robertson's perspective on polymer recycling has been published in Science, in collaboration with Dr. Jamie Garcia at IBM. News story here.
Dr. Robertson is the 2018 recipient of the ACS Rubber Division Sparks-Thomas award.
Congrats to Fran and Yovani for receiving the UH PURS research scholarship.
Congrats to Tyler for receiving the 2018 South Texas Section/Polyolefin Scholarship through the Society of Plastic Engineers.
Dr. Robertson has received a University of Houston Undergraduate Research Mentor Award (2017).
Dr. Robertson has been honored as an ACS PMSE Young Investigator (2017).
Congrats to Kevin for receiving an "exemplary" certificate for his poster award at the NSF Research Experiences and Exploration in Materials Science Research Symposium.
Congrats to Vivek for acceptance of his paper in ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces!
Congrats to Wenyue for acceptance of her paper in ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering!
Congrats to Tyler for acceptance of two papers in Macromolecules!
Congrats to Rawan for receiving the University of Houston Outstanding Thesis Award (2017)!
Welcome to Ali Masud to the group!
Congrats to Rawan for receiving the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship!
Welcome to Minjie Shen to the research group!
Congrats to Diego Aviles for receiving the UH Provost's Undergraduate Research Scholarship!
Congrats to Wenyue for receiving the University of Houston OChEGS Symposium Poster Award (2016).
Congrats to Brian and Kim for acceptance of their paper in Macromolecules!
Congrats to Guozhen for acceptance of his paper in Macromolecules, and congrats to Guozhen, Brian, and Hiruy for acceptance of their paper in ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering.
Congrats to Zeshan and Tammy for receiving Best Poster Awards at the 2016 Research Experiences and Exploration in Materials Science Poster Session!
We welcome Tzu-Han, Diego, and Nairah to the research group!
Congrats to Vivek for acceptance to the Excellence in Graduate Polymer Research Symposium at the 2016 AIChE meeting.
Congrats to Sharon for receiving the UH SURF research scholarship.
Congrats to Rawan on acceptance to the Harvard-Amgen Program!
Congrats to Michelle, Shu, Avantika, Tyler, Maria and Ashish for acceptance of their paper in Soft Matter!
Congrats to Shu for acceptance of her paper in Macromolecules!
Congrats to Vivek for acceptance of his paper in Soft Matter!
Congrats to Vivek for receiving the Society of Plastics Engineers graduate research award for the University of Houston chapter!
Congrats to Sheli, Shu, Wenyue, Brian, Karen, and Guozhen on acceptance of their paper in Macromolecules!
Dr. Robertson was recently invited to participate in two Kavli Frontiers of Science symposia, sponsored by the U.S. National Academy of Sciences. Click here to read the Cullen College of Engineering news story.
Welcome to three new undergraduate students to our group: Rawan AlMallahi, Ruqaiya Shipchandler, and Bin Zhang.
Congrats to Guozhen for publication of his paper in Macromolecules.
The Robertson Research group welcomes three new students in January 2015: Tyler Cooksey, Wenyue Ding, and Zhiyu Zhou!
Welcome to JinYing Lin and Karen Fortune, who are joining us for summer REU and RET programs!
Congratulations to Brian Rohde and Shu Wang, whose papers were recently accepted for publication in Polymers and ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, respectively.
Congratulations to Shu Wang, who has successfully defended her Ph.D. dissertation!
Congratulations to Sheli Mauck, who has received an Outstanding Senior Thesis Award, and successfully defended her Senior Thesis! Click here for the news story.
Dr. Robertson has been selected as a member of the Macromolecules and ACS Macro Letters Editorial Advisory Board.
Congratulations to Guozhen Yang for receiving the UH SPE Chapter Graduate Student Research Award (2015).
Congrats to Brian Rohde who has published a teaching module on the TeachEngineering website: Close Encounters of the Polymer Kind, including a lab activity.
Dr. Robertson received a National Science Foundation Award to study the structure and properties of block copolymer micelle systems, relevant for drug delivery. Click here for the news story.
Congratulations to Shu Wang for receiving the University of Houston OChEGS Symposium Poster Award (2014).
Welcome to Adrienne Harkin who is joining our group as an undergraduate researcher.
Dr. Robertson has received a Norman Hackerman Advanced Research Program grant award. Click here for the Cullen College of Engineering news story.
Welcome to Sheli Mauck who is joining our group as an undergraduate researcher.
Congratulations to Shu for acceptance in the Excellence in Graduate Polymer Research Symposium at the March 2014 ACS meeting!
Dr. Robertson has recently received a National Science Foundation CAREER Award. Click here for the Cullen College of Engineering news story.
Congratulations to Hiruy and Michelle for receiving UH PURS scholarships for undergraduate research.
Congratulations to Brian for publication of his K-12 educational lesson on the TeachEngineering website.
Dr. Robertson gave an invited talk and Shu presented a poster at the 2013 Science of Adhesion Gordon Research Conference.
Dr. Robertson has been elected to the Board of Directors for the Society of Plastics Engineers South Texas Section.
Congratulations to Shu Wang for acceptance of her paper in Macromolecules!
Dr. Robertson has received a research award from the National Science Foundation (CMMI) for the development of advanced adhesives for composites (along with Dr. Mina Dawood). Click here for the Cullen College of Engineering news story.
Dr. Robertson has been elected to the executive committee of the NIST User Group.
Dr. Robertson has been elected to the executive committee of the ORNL CNMS User Group.
Welcome to Don McGowan and Hiruy Tesefay for summer research programs!
Congratulations to Ashish Bhattarai for receiving the UH SURF and PURS research scholarships.
Congratulations to Guozhen Yang and Brian Rohde for their 2013 publication in Green Materials!
Congratulations to Avantika Singh for being nominated and accepted to present her research in the Excellence in Graduate Polymer Research Symposium at the April 2013 ACS meeting!
Shu Wang, Brian Rohde and Guozhen Yang also presented their research at the April 2013 ACS meeting.
Welcome to Vivek Yadav who has joined our research group.
Dr. Robertson co-organized the inaugural Texas Soft Matter Meeting, along with Drs. Gila Stein and Jaci Conrad.
Congratulations to Kim Mai Le for receiving the UH PURS scholarship for undergraduate research.
Congratulations to Avantika Singh for winning a poster prize at the 2012 OChEGS symposium.
Thank you to Brian for all of his efforts in organizing the 2012 OChEGS symposium.
Welcome to Ashish Bhattarai and Kim Mai Le as undergraduate researchers.
Dr. Robertson has received the NASA Space Grant New Investigator Award.
Welcome to Don McGowan and Ross I'Anson as summer researchers.
Group members recently participated in the UH Cullen College of Engineering Grade Camp and PROMES Camp for high school students.
Congratulations to Shu Wang for acceptance into the NIST Neutron Scattering Summer School.
Shu Wang is presenting her research at the American Chemical Society meeting. Avantika Singh is presenting her research at the American Physical Society meeting.
Congratulations to Shu Wang for receiving the SPE Graduate Student Research Award.
Welcome to our new students: Guozhen Yang, Brian Rodhe, and Pengfei Zhan.
Group members recently participated in the Materials Day and Mars Rover Programs at the University of Houston. Click here for more information.
Congratulations to Garret Noble for receiving the Provost’s Undergraduate Research Scholarship .
Welcome to two new undergraduate researchers, Maria Marquez and Garret Noble.
Dr. Robertson published a paper in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (DOI: 10.1021/am2006367)
Welcome to Nataliya Bovkun, Bryce Edmondson, and Ross I'Anson who have joined us for summer research programs.
Congratulations to Avantika Singh for acceptance into the NIST Neutron Scattering Summer School.
Click here for photos from the recent Mars Rover day at the University of Houston where we did polymer experiments with middle school students.
We are excited to welcome two new graduate students to the group, Shu Wang and Avantika Singh.